Wednesday, December 8, 2010

ANTI ta'adud jema'ah (siri 1)

jujurnya, aku sudah naik menyampah dengan isu ta'adud jema'ah. Sejak 2004, aku sudah mula pening dengan isu ini, hinggakan aku sudah naik bosan dengan apa sahaja perbincangan tentang ta'adud jema'ah. Aku tension, masing2 nak bawa Islam, kenapa nak saling gaduh-gaduh?

Kenapa tak pandang dari segi sisi positif?

Banyaknya jema'ah memudahkan,kerana manusia mudah nak memilih jema'ah mana yang lebih sesuai untuk mereka. Mereka perjuangkan Islam, sebarkan Islam dengan cara yang mereka minat. Soalnya, mampukah satu jema'ah sahaja sediakan semua platform menurut kecenderungan masing-masing?

Sinergi antara jema'ah, amat bagus jika diwujdkan. Kerjasama. Bukan saling menjatuhkan. Dengan kelebihan yang ada pada setiap jema'ah, adalah lebih baik jika jema'ag yang ada bersinergi untuk menentang kemungkaran, menegakkan kebenaran. Jema'ah yang memilih jalan politik, tumpukan cara tu sebaiknya. Jema'ah yang pilih jalan non-partisan, mainkan peranan anda sebaiknya. Jema'ah yang pilih jalan ziarah rumah ke rumah, mainkan peranan anda sebaiknya. Apa yang penting, setiap jema'ah memainkan peranan di tempat masing-masing. Jangan nak bolot semua. Kita kan manusia, mustahil kita mampu buat semua benda!

Pendokong jema'ah masing-masing syok sama sendiri. Kononnya jema'ah nya paling best. Buruk-burukkan jema'ah lain, naikkan jema'ah sendiri. Masyarakat awam naik pening. Masyarakat mula pandang buruk orang nak bawa Islam. Akhirnya, masyarakat sudah hilang kepercayaan kat mana-mana pendokong jema'ah, bawa diri dengan cara sendiri. Argh!! Pendokong jema'ah sudah mula menjadikan wasilah sebagai matlamat!

The same difference. Matlamat sama, cara berbeza. Apa masalah? Persilisihan tidak menghalang perpaduan, jika persilisihan tu diatasi dengan AKHLAK. Masing-masing mainkan peranan masing, tak perlu nak gaduh-gaduh, pasti tiada perpecahan.


u/p: Sesiapa yang ada point sisi positif ta'adud jema'ah,tolong tambah , ye?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Memfokuskan semula fikiran yang merewang

Exam ENT masih tinggal 2 hari...Tapi, fokus dah lari! Mana silapnya?!

Kadang-kadang,walaupun jiwa begitu bersemangat untuk study, sudah mengetahui kepentingan study, diri tak boleh fokus untuk study. Ada je banyak benda yang terlintas di fikiran. Tengelam dalam lautan masalah, perlukan masa untuk keluar dari lautan itu. Mungkin perlukan bantuan rakan-rakan.

Bacaan quran Imam Misya'ari Al-Fasi memang mendamaikan, mendamaikan jiwa yang resah, memfokuskan fikiran yang merewang. Jom sama-sama kita dengar.

ini pulak nasyid Imam

nasyid ni pulak untuk ingatan destinasi sebenar saya:

lagu semangat

Lagu ni penyuntik semangat perjuangan...
seperti manusia biasa, kadang2 diri ni perlukan 'pautan' supaya tidak tersungkur.

jom dengar sama2:

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Asas kepada gerakan Islam

ucapan daripada us Nik Abduh dalam majlis makan malam bersama 2 anak tuk guru. Ada 3 point penting yang beliau ucapkan:

1. Memang Allah sengaja buat dalam dunia ni ada keburukan dan kejahatan, kerana inilah dunia. Kalau dunia ini begitu indah, penuh dengan keindahan yang kita impikan, maka itu bukan lagi dunia. Jadi,kehidupan yang sebenar itu adalah KEHIDUPAN AKHIRAT.

2. Jangan merasa lemah dengan kejahatan gerakan keparat musuh Islam durjana, pejuang agenda kafir sekularisme dan lain-lain. Kerana semua itu telah ditetapkan oleh Allah. Sewaktu sayidina Abu Bakar sedih kerana kaum quraisy hampir-hampir menemui tempat persembunyian mereka berdua di dalam gua, Abu Bakar menangis. Nabi Muhammad SAW menenangkan Abu Bakar dengan berkata daripada firman Allah yang bermaksud:
"Janganlah sedih, Sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita."

Allah sengaja campur adukkan kebaikan dan keburukan dalam dunia ini untuk memilih siapakah di kalangan hamba-hambaNya yang benar-benar beriman dan beramal soleh. Siapakah yang tidak 'menghiraukan' apa yang dibuat oleh orang yang jahat, dan terus berjalan menuju Allah, orang inilah yang akan mencapai kejayaan.[tidak bermaksud, tidak menghiraukan itu tidak menjalankan dakwah. tapi, tidak menghiraukan ini bermaksud, tidak menjadi lemah dan tertekan dengan kejahatan pihak musuh!]

3. Kuasa politik yang tidak mengikut syariat Islam akan menjadi tidak seimbang dan memporak-perandakan kehidupan. Islam mengajar kuasa politik yang dicapai harus digunakan untuk menjaga 6 perkara iaitu --> Agama, Jiwa(nyawa), Akal, Harta, Keturunan dan Maruah.

saya berpandangan, seharusnya mana-mana gerakan Islam atau gerakan persatuan mahasiswa Islam menggunakan kuasa yang dipegang oleh mereka dalam gerakan/persatuan masing-masing untuk menjaga ke enam-enam perkara itu, tidak lebih dan tidak kurang.

ini ucapan Us Nik Abduh:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

apa nama awak?

“nama apa?” persoalan yang common di awal perkenalan. Maklumlah, first time tengok muka, kan?

Kemudian, oleh sebab lama tak jumpa, nama dia pun kita lupa.

Hurm, ramai orang menyalahkan akalnya. Alasannya, ingatan aku tak kuat, sebab tu aku susah nak ingat nama orang. Walhal, kalau dia tau kepentingannya, pasti dia akan cuba dengan apa cara sekalipun untuk mengingati nama orang yang baru dikenali.

Ingat nama seseorang sangat penting, apatah lagi jika anda seorang pendakwah? Ingat nama orang sangat penting dalam memikat hati para pendakwah.

Apabila kita berjumpa seseorang, kita pasakkan semua fakta tentang dirinya, tentang keluarga, kehidupan sekarang, minatnya dan sebagainya dalam minda kita sebagai gambar! inilah kesungguhan seorang ahli politik barat untuk meraih undi, Rooselvets.

Benton Love, chairman of Texas Commerce Banc-shares, believes that the bigger a corporation gets, the colder it becomes. " One way to warm it up," he said, "is to remember people's names. The executive who tells me he can't remember names is at the same time telling me he can't remember a significant part of his business and is operating on quicksand."

Manusia sangat bangga apabila namanya disebut, bahkan mereka sanggup berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk mengabadikan nama mereka dengan apa cara sekalipun.

One of the first lessons a politician learns is this: "To recall a voter's name is statesmanship. To forget it is oblivion."

Kebolehan untuk mengingati nama orang lain sangat penting dalam perniagaan dan orang yang selalu berhubungan dengan manusia, seperti ahli politik. Bukankah pendakwah itu lebih luas daripada ahli politik?

Lihatlah kesungguhan Napoleon the Third, Emperor of France dalam menghafal nama orang,

His technique? Simple. If he didn't hear the name distinctly, he said, "So sorry. I didn't get the name clearly." Then, if it was an unusual name, he would say, "How is it spelled?" During the conversation, he took the trouble to repeat the name several times, and tried to associate it in his mind with the person's features, expression and general appearance. If the person was someone of importance, Napoleon went to even further pains. As soon as His Royal Highness was alone, he wrote the name down on a piece of paper, looked at it, concentrated on it, fixed it securely in his mind, and then tore up the paper. In this way, he gained an eye impression of the name as well as an ear impression.

Semua ini memakan masa, namun kata Emerson,"Good manners,are made up of petty sacrifices."


Edward Carnigie wanted to sell steel rails to the Pennsylvania Railroad. J. Edgar Thomson was the president of the Pennsylvania Railroad then. So Andrew Carnegie built a huge steel mill in Pittsburgh and called it the "Edgar Thomson Steel Works."

Here is a riddle. See if you can guess it. When the Pennsylvania Railroad needed steel rails, where do you suppose J. Edgar Thomson bought them?. . , From Sears, Roebuck? No. No. You're wrong.


Sepatutnya, kita menyedari magic yang terkandung dalam nama, yang empunya nama itu sahaja yang menyedarinya, bukan orang lain. Nama itu menyebabkan dia merasakan dirinya adalah satu-satunya, unik daripada orang lain, sangat-sangat unik!

We should be aware of the magic contained in a name and realize that this single item is wholly and completely owned by the person with whom we are dealing and nobody else. The name sets the individual apart; it makes him or her unique among all others. The information we are imparting or the request we are making takes on a special importance when we approach the situation with the name of the individual. From the waitress to the senior executive, the name will work magic as we deal with others.

PRINSIPNYA IALAH: Ingat nama orang kerana pada orang itu, itulah perkara yang paling indah dan paling penting.

Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Orang lumpuh pun gembira

Orang menganggap dengan memakai pakaian yang cantik dan mahal, orang akan suka berkawan dengannya. Mereka lupa bahawa ‘pakaian’ yang ditayangkan pada muka adalah jauh lebih penting berbanding pakaian yang dipakai oleh tubuh mereka.

Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you, You make me happy. I am glad to see you."

Professor James V. McConnell, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, expressed his feelings about a smile. "People who smile," he said, "tend to manage teach and sell more effectively, and to raise happier children. There's far more information in a smile than a frown. That's why encouragement is a much more effective teaching device than punishment."

You must have a good time meeting people if you expect them to have a good time meeting you.

Jika kamu tiada perasaan untuk senyum, paksa diri untuk senyum. Cuba menyanyi mana-mana lagu dan berperangai seperti dalam keadaan gembira dan hal itu akan membuatkan kamu betul-betul gembira.

Every body in the world is seeking happiness - and there is one sure way to find it. That is by controlling your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions. It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it!

An insincere grin? No. That doesn't fool anybody. We know it is mechanical and we resent it. I am talking about a real smile, a heartwarming smile, a smile that comes from within, the kind of smile that will bring a good price in the marketplace.

Ancient Chinese says : "A man without a smiling face must not open a shop."

Abe Lincoln once remarked that "most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Elbert Hubbad says:

Whenever you go out-of-doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every handclasp. Do not fear being misunderstood and do not waste a minute thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your mind what you would like to do; and then, without veering off direction, you will move straight to the goal. Keep your mind on the great and splendid things you would like to do, and then, as the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the element it needs. Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual.. . . Thought is supreme. Preserve a right mental attitude - the attitude of courage, frankness, and good cheer. To think rightly is to create. All things come through desire and every sincere praye is answered. We become like that on which our hearts are fixed. Carry your chin in and the crown of your head high. We are gods in the chrysalis.


It costs nothing, but creates much.

It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

None are so rich they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.

It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.

It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature's best antidote fee trouble.

Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.

Baginda SAW sendiri menggalakkan kita untuk senyum dan bermanis muka kepada orang lain.

“janganlah kamu memandang remeh sesuatu kebaikan,biarpun bermuka manis di hadapan saudaramu.” (mafhum Hadis)


As I was walking up the stairs of the Long Island Railroad station in New York. Directly in front of me thirty or forty crippled boys on canes and crutches were struggling up the stairs. One boy had to be carried up. I was astonished at their laughter and gaiety. I spoke about it to one of.the men in charge of the boys. "Oh, yes," he said, "when a boy realizes that he is going to be a cripple for life, he is shocked at first; but after he gets over the shock, he usually resigns himself to his fate and then becomes as happy as normal boys."

I felt like taking my hat off to those boys. They taught me a lesson I hope I shall never forget.

Prinsipnya ialah: SENYUM! Smile, be happy!

Becoming genuinely interested in other people

Pernah tengok kucing peliharaan? Kucing tu tak perlu kerja kuat pun untuk cari makan. Kucing tak belajar pun untuk tarik perhatian orang, buatkan orang senang dengannya.

You knew by some divine instinct that you can make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.

Hakikatnya, manusia tidak tertarik dengan diri orang lain, tidak tertarik dengan kamu, tidak tertarik dengan saya. Mereka hanya tertarik dengan diri mereka. Bahkan satu kajian yang dibuat, perkataan “I(saya)” digunakan sebanyak 3900 kali dalam 500 perbualan telefon. See!!


Jika kita hanya cuba untuk membuatkan manusia suka pada kita, mungkin kita akan dapat kawan, tapi bukan kawan yang benar-benar baik.

Alfred Adler, the famous Viennese psychologist, wrote a book entitled What Life Should Mean to You. In that book he says: "It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is from among such individuals that all human failures spring."

Seseorang boleh memenangi perhatian, masa dan kerjasama walaupun daripada orang yang paling terkenal pun dengan cara genuinely interested in them (benar-benar tertarik dengan mereka).

Jika kamu mahu mendapat kawan, tegurlah mereka dengan penuh minat. Let’s greet people with animation and enthusiasm. Apabila seseorang menelefon kamu, sebutlah salam, jawablah panggilannya dengan nada yang menunjukkan kamu betul-betul gembira dapat berbual dengannya. Kamu bukan sahaja dapt ramai kawan, bahkan dapat lebih ramai mad’u.

Publilius Syrus, remarked; "We are interested in others when they are interested in us."


I spent an evening in the dressing room of Howard Thurston the last time he appeared on Broadway -Thurston was the acknowledged dean of magicians. For forty years he had traveled all over the world, time and again, creating illusions, mystifying audiences, and making people gasp with astonishment. More than 60 million people had paid admission to his show, and he had made almost $2 million in profit. I asked Mr. Thurston to tell me the secret of his success. His schooling certainly had nothing to do with it, for he ran away from home as a small boy, became a hobo, rode in boxcars, slept in haystacks, begged his food from door to door, and learned to read by looking out of boxcars at signs along the railway. Did he have a superior knowledge of magic? No, he told me hundreds of books had been written about legerdemain and scores of people knew as much about it as he did. But he had two things that the others didn't have. First, he had the ability to put his personality across the footlights. He was a master showman. He knew human nature. Everything he did, every gesture, every intonation of his voice, every lifting of an eyebrow had been carefully rehearsed in advance, and his actions were timed to split seconds. But, in addition to that, Thurston had a genuine interest in people. He told me that many magicians would look at the audience and say to themselves, "Well, there is a bunch of suckers out there, a bunch of hicks; I'll fool them all right." But Thurston's method was totally different. He told me that every time he went on stage he said to himself: "I am grateful because these people come to see me, They make it possible for me to make my living in a very agreeable way. I'm going to give them the very best I possibly can." He declared he never stepped in front of the footlights without first saying to himself over and over: "I love my audience. I love my audience." Ridiculous? Absurd? You are privileged to think anything you like. I am merely passing it on to you without comment as a recipe used by one of the most famous magicians of all time.


Jika kamu hendak orang lain sukakan kamu, jika kamu benar-benar mahu bina persahabatan yang sebenar, jika kamu mahu menolong orang lain dan pada masa yang sama menolong diri kamu sendiri, simpanlah prinsip ini dalam kepala kamu

‘Jadilah orang yang betul-betul tertarik dengan orang lain dengan ikhlas. Become genuinely interested in other people.